Saturday, August 19, 2006

Photo Essay - Dress Rehearsal And The Real Deal

This photo essay covers two days, from shooting a bunny in studio to filming wildlife on Victory Beach. Many photo contributions are from Alastair Jamieson and Jinty . Thanks guys!

Sarah and Julia relax the star.

Mark creates the perfect close up.

Reviewing our material with our instructor, Director Of Photography Paul Donovan.

Off shooting we will go, a shooting we will go...

Can you spot the sea lion?

Pip tests out her hide.

Dwayne warms up with a well-deserved cocktail, I mean, coffee.

I spent a lot of time behind binoculars (a gift from Catherine and Bill, thanks!)

Bojun and Louise suggest a plan to move location.

Filmmakers on the move, heavy packs and all.

Filmmakers take stock of a dangerous Leopard Seal.

Fearlessly, Jinty risks life and limb to get the perfect shot.

Sarah moves in gingerly towards the dangerous killer.

Alastair abandons all security, laying himself out as a leopard seal snack.

Nick coaxes an Oyster Catcher into shot.

Nick sprints back to get his shot. Maybe he needs an assistant!

Louise, the hardest working girl in show business, laughs despite the lack of sleep and cold.

Can you spot our hide?

Our hide!

Bojun eagerly anticipates Yellow Eyed Penguins while Paul offers shotmaking advice.

Jinty in full concentration...

I am freezing, but refuse to abandon my post, in the spirit of true guerilla filmmaking tradition.

It's getting dark. Sarah and Paul are hungry...are the penguins asleep yet? Can we go home?

Can you spot Sarah? She just took the last shot.


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