Pitching Hell
Kiaora, You. In 6 days we will have a massive pitching session, proposing ideas for our thesis films. Each of my eleven (11) distinguished colleagues will throw out their latest and greatest idea for consideration. I'll add mine to the fray. We then have to deliberate and choose only six (6) ideas to make this year. Which means we will pair up on the six stories that are most compelling. Not everybody's idea will be realised. Pretty scary stuff when you think you might have to kill your darlings, as they say.
I like this filmmaker's journey through pitching hell. It gave me inspiration:
Here are a couple of pics Alastair took of me, one shooting a seal at Victory Beach and the other with Elton Smith at Orokonui Sanctuary. Thanks, A!
Hey great little film there Kat! I particularly like the funky beats and the break dancing seal adds a nice touch….Can’t wait to see the other stuff you are working on.
P.S. Good luck with your pitch I know you’ll kick butt! wait I am allowed to say butt on your blog site oh well too late now
Thanks Reem, got to figure out how to make the video quality better on the blog - we film hi-qual but then it gets compressed for the web and looks like people's faces are melting! Was the sound very clear for you at least? Just curious. We used a flashy wireless microphone borrowed from NHNZhttp://www.nhnz.tv/ that confused the hell out of me, but gave very good sound! Keep cool in sunny Doha!
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